02 03 2023

Advantages of Using LED Curing Lights in Dentistry

Dental curing lights are essential tools in modern dentistry, and the use of LED curing lights has become increasingly popular. These dental equipment supplies can be widely used in many kinds of dental procedures. The importance of dental curing light cannot be overstated, as it can significantly a

16 02 2023

Light Cure Battery

The dental operating light is an essential equipment for any dental practice that uses to set dental restorative materials, such as composites, adhesives, and sealants. Then, the light cure battery is the key component in the dental curing light, because it designed to provide long-lasting and

13 02 2023

A Comprehensive Guide to Choos the Best Dental Curing Lights

In dental procedures, the light cure in dentistry is one of the critical tools. And, it is the dental equipment used for achieving curing by emitting a specific wavelength of light to activate the chemical reaction in the dental materials. There are many options available in the dental curing lights

09 02 2023

IDS 2023,诚邀您的到来

IDS 2023即将开幕,我们诚挚邀请行业内生产企业、分销企业、采购采购商及专业用户莅临参观、洽谈订单! 届时,我们的展位上会有各种牙科设备及耗材,包括但不限于牙科车针、牙科光固化机、牙科手机以及根管马达根测等,期待您的到来!

08 02 2023


2023华南国际口腔展即将开展,我们诚挚邀请您参加。 以下是展会的相关信息: 展会时间:2023年2月23-26日 地址:广东省广州市海珠区新港东路980号中国进出口商品交易会展馆C区 展位号:14.2 C16
